Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (SURS) je objavil aktualno četrtletno poročilo o gibanju cen stanovanjskih nepremičnin v Republiki Sloveniji. Kot ugotavljajo pri SURS-u:

  • So se stanovanjske nepremičnine na četrtletni ravni podražile za 2,2 %, na medletni pa za 6,7 %. Pri čemer je bilo število prodaj stanovanjskih nepremičnin za petino nižje od povprečja prejšnjega leta.
  • Pri tem so cene novih stanovanj zrasle za 9,7 %, cene novih družinskih hiš pa za 3,0 %.
  • Rabljene stanovanjske nepremičnine (tj. stanovanja in hiše skupaj) so se na četrtletni ravni podražile za 1,1 %. Pri čemer so se rabljena stanovanja najizraziteje podražila v Ljubljani (za 1,2 %), sledile so podražitve v preostali Sloveniji (za 0,9 %) in Mariboru (za 0,8 %).
  • Medletno gledano pa je bila rast cen stanovanjskih nepremičnin je 6,7-odstotna. Najbolj so se podražila nova stanovanja (za 18,2 %), sledili so rabljena stanovanja (za 7,6 %), nove družinske hiše (za 4,3 %) in rabljene družinske hiše (za 3,8 %).

Vir grafa: SURS

Več informacij in statističnih podatkov najdete na spletnih straneh Statističnega urada RS, na naslednji povezavi: Indeksi cen stanovanjskih nepremičnin, 2. četrtletje 2024 (

Residential real estate prices continue to rise in Slovenia

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) has published the latest quarterly report on the development of residential property prices in the Republic of Slovenia. As noted by SURS:

  • Residential property rose by 2.2% quarter-on-quarter and by 6.7% year-on-year, with the number of sales of residential property one-fifth lower than the previous year’s average.
  • In this respect, prices of new dwellings rose by 9.7% and those of new family houses by 3.0%.
  • Used residential property (i.e. flats and houses combined) rose by 1.1% quarter-on-quarter, with the most marked increase in the price of used flats in Ljubljana (by 1.2%), followed by the rest of Slovenia (by 0.9%) and Maribor (by 0.8%).
  • On a year-on-year basis, however, house price growth was 6.7%. New dwellings increased the most (by 18.2%), followed by second-hand dwellings (by 7.6%), new family houses (by 4.3%) and second-hand family houses (by 3.8%).

Source of the graph: SURS.

More information and statistics can be found on the website of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, at the following link (in Slovene): Indeksi cen stanovanjskih nepremičnin, 2. četrtletje 2024 (