Ste razmišljali o prodaji ali nakupu zemljišča, ki je v prostorskih aktih (deloma ali v celoti) opredeljeno kot kmetijsko? Takšnega zemljišča ne boste mogli enostavno prodati ali kupiti na trgu. To boste lahko storili le s posebnim postopkom prodaje »preko oglasne deske« na upravni enoti. Prednost za nakup kmetijskih zemljišč pa imajo seveda predkupni upravičenci, ki jih določa Zakon o kmetijskih zemljiščih (ZKZ).
Zakon (ZKZ) temeljno določa predkupne upravičence pri kupovanju kmetijskih zemljišč in njihov vrsti red, kot sledi:
- solastnik;
- lastnik kmetijskega zemljišča, ki je kmetijsko zemljišče prodal za potrebe izvedbe prostorskih ureditev državnega pomena ali je bil iz tega namena razlaščen v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja prostor;
- kmet, katerega zemljišče, ki ga ima v lasti, meji na zemljišče, ki je naprodaj;
- zakupnik zemljišča, ki je naprodaj;
- drug kmet;
- kmetijska organizacija ali samostojni podjetnik posameznik, ki jima je zemljišče ali kmetija potrebna za opravljanje kmetijske oziroma gozdarske dejavnosti;
- Sklad kmetijskih zemljišč in gozdov Republike Slovenije za Republiko Slovenijo.
Če interes za nakup kmetijskega zemljišča v postopku »preko oglasne deske« (glejte navedeno v nadaljevanju) izkaže predkupni upravičenec z močnejšo predkupno pravico, ima pri nakupu prednost pred drugimi interesenti za nakup s šibkejšo predkupno pravico oziroma brez predkupne pravice. Le kadar prodajalčeve ponudbe za prodajo kmetijskega zemljišča ne sprejme nihče od zakonskih predkupnih upravičencev, lahko prodajalec kmetijsko zemljišče proda vsakomur, ki je sprejel ponudbo pravočasno in na predpisan način.
Tudi izraz »kmet« je v določilih ZKZ posebej opredeljen. Izpolnjujete pogoje za kmeta po ZKZ? To lahko preverite v ustreznem postopku pri upravni enoti.
Pri prodaji kmetijskih zemljišč je potrebno pri pristojni upravni enoti, v območju katere se nepremičnina nahaja, izpeljati kar dva postopka:
V prvi fazi, tj. v postopku objave ponudbe za prodajo kmetijskega zemljišča (na oglasni deski) se dokončno določijo vsi prodajalčevi pogoji za izvedbo prodaje. Prodajalec kmetijskega zemljišča mora namreč ceno in vse druge pogoje, pod katerimi zadevno zemljišče prodaja, navesti v svoji pisni ponudbi, ki jo pošlje upravni enoti v objavo na oglasno desko; naknadne spremembe ponudbe niso mogoče. Svoje ponudbe za prodajo kmetijskega zemljišča pa potem, ko je bila dana, prodajalec tudi ne more več umakniti.
Drugo fazo v postopku prodaje/nakupa kmetijskega zemljišča pa predstavlja postopek odobritve pravnega posla. V tem postopku – ki ga mora kupec, ki je pravočasno sprejel ponudbo preko oglasne deske, prav tako pravočasno sprožiti, tj. v zakonskem roku tridesetih dni – pa se določi, kdo od potencialnih kupcev, ki so na ustrezen način sprejeli prodajalčevo ponudbo, ima najmočnejšo predkupno pravico.

V posameznih primerih, tj. ko zakon tako izrecno določa, ni potrebna prodaja kmetijskega zemljišča preko oglasne deske, temveč lahko upravna enota ugotovi, da njena odobritev prodajnega posla ni potrebna. Eno od takšnih izjem predstavljajo zakonske določbe, ki od uporabe tovrstnih posebnih pravil izključuje posamezna kmetijska zemljišča z določenimi posebnimi značilnostmi. Npr. če gre za zemljišča površine največ 1000 m2, na katerih stoji manj zahteven ali zahteven objekt, ki ima pravnomočno dovoljenje za gradnjo.
Ena od skupin izjem, ki so v praksi pogoste, pa se nanašajo tudi na posle v okviru agrarnih operacij, posle med družinskimi člani (tj. med zakonci, posle z dediči, darilne pogodbe med zakonsko omejenim krogom upravičenih oseb) oziroma na posle, ki se nanašajo na vprašanja preživljanja ostarelih kmetov in za primer smrti (po pogodbah o preužitku, o dosmrtnem preživljanju, po izročilni pogodbi, darilih za primer smrti), ipd.
Seveda je potrebno izjeme, ki jih dopušča zakon, poznati ter jih v postopku prodaje tudi ustrezno uveljavljati. V nasprotnem primeru bo zemljišče prodano drugemu interesentu za nakup.
Prodajate kmetijsko zemljišče in iščete primernega kupca? Postopek največkrat ni preprost in lahko vašo prodajo podaljša za precej časa. V primeru sporov med potencialnimi kupci v praksi velikokrat tudi za več let. Da bo postopek prodaje in nakupa potekal skladno z vsemi predpisi in tudi interesi prodajalca, je potrebno posamezno pravno situacijo vsebinsko vselej vnaprej natančno preučiti.
Potrebujete pomoč pri prodaji kmetijskih zemljišč? Kontaktirajte nas iz z veseljem bomo poskrbeli, da bo prodaja izvedena skladno z vsemi predpisi.
#carniola #zemljišča #kmetijstvo #prodaja #kmetija #gozd #slovenija #nepremičnine

Have you considered selling or buying land that is (in part or in full) defined as agricultural land? In such case, it will not be able to easy to sell (or buy) it on the market. This kind of transaction can only be completed with a special sales procedure “through the notice board” at the administrative unit.
The Agricultural Land Act (ZKZ) fundamentally determines the list of preemptive beneficiaries for the purchase of agricultural land and their order as follows:
1. co-owner;
2. the owner of agricultural land who sold the agricultural land for to implement spatial regulations of national importance or was expropriated for this purpose by the law governing the space;
3. a farmer whose land he owns is adjacent to the land for sale;
4. the lessee of the land that is for sale;
5. another farmer;
6. an agricultural organization or an individual entrepreneur who needs land or a farm to carry out agricultural or forestry activities;
7. The Agricultural Land and Forest Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for the Republic of Slovenia.
If in the “via notice board” procedure (see below) a pre-emptive beneficiary with a stronger right of pre-emption expresses an interest in the purchase of agricultural land, he has priority over other interested parties with either weaker or no pre-emptive right. Only when the seller’s offer for the sale of agricultural land is not accepted by any of the legal pre-emptive beneficiaries, the seller can sell the agricultural land to anyone who accepted the offer in time and in the prescribed manner.
The term “farmer” is also clearly defined in the provisions of the ZKZ. Do you meet the prerequisites for a “farmer” according to Slovenian law? This can be checked with the appropriate procedure at the administrative unit.
When selling agricultural land, two procedures must be carried out at the competent administrative unit in the area, where the piece of property is located:
In the first phase, i.e. in the process of publishing an offer for the sale of agricultural land (on the notice board), all the seller’s conditions for carrying out the transaction in question must be determined. The seller of agricultural land must state the price and all other conditions under which the land in question is being sold in his written offer, which he sends to the administrative unit for publication on the notice board; subsequent changes to the offer are not possible. The seller cannot withdraw his offer for the sale of agricultural land after it has been published.
The process of approving the legal transaction represents the second stage in the process of selling/purchasing agricultural land. is. In this procedure – which the buyer, who accepted the offer via the notice board in time, must also initiate in time, i.e. within the statutory period of thirty days – it is determined which of the potential buyers, who have accepted the seller’s offer appropriately, has the strongest right of the pre-emption.

In individual cases, i.e. when the law expressly states so, it is not necessary to sell agricultural land via notice board. In such case, the administrative unit can determine that the approval of the sale transaction is not necessary. One of such exception is represented by legal provisions that exclude individual pieces of agricultural land with certain special characteristics from the application of such special rules. For example, a plot of land with a surface area not exceeding more than 1000 m2 with a building that has a valid construction permit.
Such exceptions, which are often particularly common in practice, also refer to transactions within the framework of agrarian operations, transactions between family members (i.e. between spouses, transactions with heirs, gift contracts between a legally limited circle of entitled persons), or transactions, which relate to issues of support for elderly farmers and in the event of death, etc.
It is important to be aware of the exceptions permitted by the law as well as to enforce them properly in the sales procedures. Otherwise, your land will be sold to/bought by another buyer.
Are You selling agricultural land in Slovenia and looking for the best buyer? The process is often not simple and can postpone your sale for quite a bit. In case of disputes between potential buyers, even for several years. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the content of each legal situation in advance, so that the sale and purchase process will take place in accordance with all regulations and also in the best interests of the seller.
Do You need assistance with selling agricultural land in Slovenia? Contact us and we will be happy to ensure that Your sale is being carried out following all legal requirements.
#carniola #slovenia #land #farmland #farming #sale #forest #realestate #property
Fotografije/Photography: Jure Porenta